Wednesday, December 22, 2004

Dude, Winter Sucks

So yesterday it was a balmy, oh let's just say, -273C in sunny, happy Toronto. For those of you who can't understand how cold it is - it's kind of like existing in OUTER SPACE! And not like comfy, cosy outer space right near a solar system, or a cluster of heat-generating stars. No, I'm talking more like the absolute edges of the universe.

My roommate is Aussie and she looked at me in all honesty and said, "I'm not the only one, am I, that thinks that this is, you know, completely miserable, right? I mean, having my snot freeze is kind of unpleasant!"

I told her that no, we all thought this was kind of the definition of miserable. But I told her she has to keep it a secret. Because, as a nation, we have a reputation to uphold.


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