The Voice of Reason got advance screening tickets for this one, and I have no natural defense against advance tickets. I will go see anything if it’s “advanced”. Paris Hilton flicks are fair game if it’s “advanced”. As are any movies where the trailer begins “In a world where…” And clearly, so is a movie with the tagline “When America was on its knees, he brought us to our feet.”
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Did you note all the Toronto locations? Like...where we walked in front of Union Station last summer with those extras in Depression times clothes pretending to beg on the street, and all those awesome old cars, and the Madison Square Gardens front that was set up next to Fran's at College and Yonge....huh? huh? The indoor stuff (I believe), much of it was done inside the old Maple Leaf Gardens. Did you note all the Toronto scenes??? (I love living here) ;)
Oh yeah, I totally noticed the heavy hand of Toronto everywhere in the film. I'd elbow the Voice of Reason in the ribs every time and say "Pssssst! See? See? TORONTO! UNION STATION! THE ROYAL YORK! YONGE AND COLLEGE!"
And then she shush me and tell me I was ruining the movie.
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